Echoes of Forgotten Dreams

Carol Hynes
2 min readSep 21, 2024
Photo by Egor Litvinov on Unsplash

In the depths of twilight’s hush,
where shadows dance and secrets lurk,
I wander through a labyrinth of dreams,
lost in echoes of a forgotten past.

The moon, a silver crescent, hangs
high in the velvet sky,
casting an ethereal glow upon
the sleeping world below.

A gentle breeze whispers through the trees,
carrying with it the sweet scent of jasmine,
as I stroll along a winding path,
guided by the soft light of fireflies.

I come upon a clearing bathed in moonlight,
where a crystal-clear lake shimmers,
reflecting the stars like countless diamonds.

I sit upon the shore and gaze into the water,
watching as ripples dance and play,
lost in the mesmerizing beauty of the night.

Suddenly, I hear a faint sound,
like the echo of a distant whisper,
drawing me deeper into the forest’s embrace.

I follow the sound until I reach a hidden grove,
where an ancient oak tree stands tall and proud.

Its branches gnarled and twisted,
like the weathered hands of an old man,
reach out towards the sky.

I sit beneath the tree and close my eyes,
letting the cool night air wash over me.

And then I feel it, a gentle presence,
a comforting warmth that envelops my soul.

I open my eyes and see a vision,
a shimmering figure standing before me.

It is a woman, young and beautiful,
her eyes filled with a sadness that pierces my heart.

She approaches me slowly, her footsteps silent,
and extends her hand towards me.

I take her hand and feel a surge of energy,
as memories flood my mind.

I see myself as a child, playing in the fields,
laughing and carefree.

I see myself as a young man, falling in love,
my heart filled with hope and joy.

And then I see myself as I am now,
a man haunted by the past,
yearning for the days when life was simpler.

The woman smiles sadly and says,
“These are the echoes of your forgotten dreams.”

I look into her eyes and see a reflection of my own soul,
a longing for what once was, and a fear of what may come.

She turns and begins to fade away,
leaving me alone in the moonlit grove.

As I watch her disappear, I feel a sense of peace,
a realization that the past is gone,
but its echoes will always remain within me.

I stand up and walk back towards the clearing,
the weight of my memories lifting from my shoulders.

The moon is still shining brightly,
casting its ethereal glow upon the sleeping world.

I take a deep breath and feel a sense of wonder,
a gratitude for the beauty of the night.

As I walk away from the forest, I know
that I will never forget
the echoes of my forgotten dreams.



Carol Hynes

Poet who believes in the transformative power of language.